HCI Games Group at CHI 2014 in Toronto

HCI Games Group at CHI 2014 in Toronto
CHI 2014 Conference

This year, the annual ACM conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), was held in Toronto, Ontario. The conference serves as a global summit of researchers, academics, and industry professionals in fields related to computer science, software development, user research, and interaction design.

At the conference, the HCI Games Group was involved in the organization of both a workshop and a special interest group revolving around the role of games and games research in the field of computer-human interaction.

Dr. Lennart Nacke and Dr. Pejman Mirza-Babaei of UOIT served as co-organizers of the Games User Experience workshop at CHI, along with Veronica Zammitto, Marina Kobayashi, and Ian Livingston. Focuses of the workshop included the integration of multiple techniques in games user research, as well as the importance of the efficient and clear reporting of results. To learn more about the workshop, you can download the extended abstract here: 

Dr. Nacke and Dr. Mirza-Babaei also organized a special interest group on Games and Entertainment with Heather Desurvire, Regina Bernhaupt, and Magy Seif El-Nasr. In recognition of the selection of Games and Entertainment as a Spotlight research area at CHI 2014, the group was formed as a forum for discussion and collaboration on the future of game design and research in the field of computer-human interaction. Download the group proposal here:

You can find more information about the conference on the CHI 2014 website.

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