Ph.D. Student
Jalaja Shanmugalingam
Management Science and Engineering
Jalaja Shanmugalingam holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Concordia University and a Master's degree in Engineering Management from the University of Alberta. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo in the Department of Management Science and Engineering. During her master's program, Jalaja conducted research and authored a thesis titled “Gamification and Predictive Analytics for the Next Generation of Workers.” The primary objective of this research was to assist employees in obtaining the guidance necessary for continuous professional growth while enabling companies to reduce the time their senior management spends on mentoring and guiding their employees. Additionally, they implemented a gamified model within our system that leverages real-time tracked data to incentivize and reward employee contributions. She intends to continue her Ph.D. studies within the same research domain.