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Presence in SVR

Social Virtual Reality (SVR) allows real individuals to communicate and engage in simulated physical environments and activities.

Presence in SVR
Photo by Laurens Derks / Unsplash

Project Description

Social Virtual Reality (SVR) allows real individuals to communicate and engage in simulated physical environments and activities. These systems simultaneously afford social and physical presence. However, the precise nature of various presence states in SVR is ambiguous. We address this conceptual gap through interviews with SVR users and phenomenological analysis of the individual responses. Our research shows that people's presence in SVR depends on their individual experiences, backgrounds, and technology use. This presence (only) occasionally includes both physical and social elements, and a person's willingness to participate in the SVR often affects how they sense it. Our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of presence and its dynamic nature in SVR shaped by the users' individual experiences. This facilitates the study and measurement of presence in SVR in the future.


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