Lennart Nacke

Lennart Nacke

Latest posts — page 5

Playful Interactions at CHI PLAY 2015

The HCI Games Group attended and presented several works at CHI PLAY 2015, the second edition of the ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. CHI PLAY is an international and interdisciplinary conference for researchers and professionals of

The HCI Games Group will be at CHI PLAY 2015

The HCI Games Group will be at CHI PLAY 2015 next week in London, UK! If you are going to the Conference, come play our game CHI PLAYGUE with us! CHI PLAYGUE is a conference game designed to facilitate interaction

Flashlights Off! – A Left 4 Dead 2 Game Review

By: Amanda Leo, Samantha Stahlke, Rylan Koroluk, and Rina Wehbe Left 4 Dead 2 is a cooperative first-person shooter game developed by Valve Corporation and released in 2009. The immense popularity of the Left 4 Dead (L4D) series has inspired

The Gameful World

The Gameful World is a book that aims to examine the key challenges of gamification and the ludification of culture, or, as presented by the editors, the Gameful World. It contains essays from more than 50 acknowledged experts representing both

The Ultimate First Person Shooter Game Simulator

There are many methods of combining various technologies with the goal of enhancing an experience, especially within the context of user immersion. The Gadget Show, a television program based out of the United Kingdom, looks at many of these combinations

The Use of Games and Play to Achieve Real-World Goals

In the last few years, there has been a growing interest in the application of game elements to real-life goals and tasks. These efforts are often directed towards self-improvement, encouraging positive lifestyle changes, and increasing motivation to complete work objectives.

Gamification: The Pursuit of Progression

Part of the article series Looking at Gamification: Personal Viewpoints. As a first-year wading (well, cliff-diving, really) into the depths of academic research reports last fall, I was struck with what you might call “jargon fatigue.” Though I was no

HCI Games Group at CHI 2014 in Toronto

This year, the annual ACM conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), was held in Toronto, Ontario. The conference serves as a global summit of researchers, academics, and industry professionals in fields related to computer science, software development, user research, and interaction